Altitude FX Social Trading

Follow and copy trade strategies of Master Traders we have specially curated for you.

Register on our Social Trading platform with the same email you have registered with us.

Do not have a trading account? Hurry and register with us at now!

Got a question? Reach out to us at

Performance Fee

NOTE: Performance Fees are not displayed on each Signal Page. The Signal Providers will inform you directly of the Performance Fee they will be charging, ranging between 10% - 30%.

Performance Fee will be deducted from your Trading Account by the 5th day of the following month.

Quick Guide to getting your Social Trading working!

  1. Sign up or Log in to your Social Trading account. Remember to sign up with the email you have registered with us on our trading platform.

  2. Add in your trading account in "Accounts" page under the "Configuration" tab.

  3. View the performance of our specially curated traders under the "Signals" tab. Pick and choose who you'd want to follow! Remember to click the "Follow" button on the top right corner of each Signal page.

  4. Once you're ready to copy, head to the "Trade Copier" page under the "Configuration" tab. Create your copier and set it up accordingly.

  5. Sit back and look at magic we have created on your Trading account!

*For more detailed guides, please head to our extensive "Knowlege Base" under the Help Center.

Copy Trading Terms & Conditions

By signing up for the ALTFX Social Trading platform, you agree to abide by the ALTFX Copy Trading Terms & Conditions.

ALTFX Copy Trading Terms & Conditions can be found at: